With Bill Dixon
From The Garden

Pungo Prairie Christmas Salsa
My favorite time of the year is Fall, and that means planting a fall garden. The main crop for me is Collards. Around these parts everybody just loves these big ol' leafy greens, and they also know that you have to wait for a frost to pick them so they'll be sweet. My family celebrates Thanksgiving in the mountains where I have my hunting tent camp set up. They always ask me to fix up a mess. We also make up a big ol' pot every year for the Pungo Fall Party. Folks just rave about them. Now believe it or not, some people don't like collards. At least they think they don't. That's because they've never had these collards. Actually this is one of my most requested recipes!
Most of the local farmers in Pungo grow Asparagus. It takes a couple of years to get it goin', and it likes a sandy soil. Once it takes off, asparagus will come back every year growin' like weeds. I always make up a big platter for Easter Dinner. One of my favorite things to do with asparagus is to make it as a full meal served with smoked Salmon. Now that's a marriage made in Heaven right there! This quick and delicious recipe will have you steaming it up the Pungo Prairie way!

Summer Squash Medley Sautee
Coming This Spring!